Health and Dental
The student Health and Dental plan, operating through Green Shield, is one of the Student Union’s services. One of the reasons we are able to get reasonable prices for extended health care is through collective action and organizing around access to health care. Students are often extremely financially precarious and we believe that everyone has the right to access affordable health benefits.
The reason we have this program today is because of years of labour activism, student activism, and the spirit of sharing resources. This plan exists to support students who need to get their teeth cleaned, access prescription medication, get new glasses, access counselling, physiotherapy and more. We believe that students have the right to get treatment like these when they need it without having to worry about a potentially debilitating health care bill.
Make sure you get the necessary basic health coverage
All students studying at Emily Carr will need to have basic BC MSP Health Coverage (or any other Canadian province health plan) to allow you to go to the doctor and the hospital. This plan is mandatory for all individuals living in British Columbia and you are responsible for maintaining MSP coverage. MSP is independent of the ECSU Extended Health and Dental Benefits Plan and is required for all students using the extended benefits plan. BC MSP coverage is free for domestic students and there is a monthly fee of $75 for International students. Make sure to register online as soon as you get into Canada. This program will be active after your first 3 months inland. More information is available through the BC government at: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/home
How to determine if you are eligible for the ECSU Extended Health and Dental Plan
You will be automatically enrolled in the plan and charged the Health and Dental fee in September(Fall Semester only) for coverage from September 1st to August 31st if:
• You are enrolled in 6 credits or more in September (fall semester)
• You did not opt-out of the plan, either in this year or in the past
To check whether you have been assessed the health and dental fee, visit your student account through Inside ECU. If you have been assessed the fee, you are eligible to receive the benefits.
Interested in adding your depends to your coverage?
Note: Adding depends will be available once the blackout period is over mid October.
Students with dependents (i.e. a spouse and/or children) may upgrade to couple or family coverage by paying additional fees directly to the Students’ Union. Dependent children are eligible for coverage up to the end of the benefit year in which they turn age 21, or age 25 if enrolled and in full-time attendance at an accredited college, university, or educational institute.
If you wish to add your spouse and/or family member to your coverage, please do so via our new health plan administrator portal linked here: https://jdbenefits.onvitalobjects.com/portal/member
Reasons you may not be eligible or automatically enrolled for ECSU coverage
The following are reasons why you may not be eligible for the Students’ Union’s Health and Dental Plan, and were not automatically enrolled:
• You are taking fewer than 6 credits in September (fall semester)
• You opted-out of the plan in past years (in which case, you would need to apply for re-inclusion in the plan and provide evidence that you are no longer able to access your previous plan)
• Started your studies in the Spring Semester - Please reach out to us if you wish to opt in
If you have any problems confirming your coverage you can email us at info@ecsu.ca and we can help.
What’s Included in the Plan?
A detailed benefit booklet is available at ecsu.ca. The plan provides coverage for:
• Prescription medication;
• Extended health benefits, including coverage for Chiropractic services, physiotherapy, registered massage therapy (with doctor referral), and mental health services from a psychiatrist, psychologist or registered clinical counselor;
• Dental services (preventative and restorative);
• Vision care (glasses/contacts and eye exams);
The Students’ Union’s plan also includes accidental death and dismemberment insurance and travel insurance.
Note: Coverage varies by service. Coverage amounts, per visit limits and annual caps are outlined in the benefits booklet.
How to Use Your Plan
Your Green Shield Plan Member ID will be, "ECSyour student number-00” (you don't need to include the zero's in front of your student number).
Student Number: 012345
Greenshield ID: ECS12345-00
We encourage you to create an online Green Shield account so that you can manage your plan, find health providers who do direct billing, and file claims electronically. We strongly recommend using your online account to find someone who does direct billing, which is the practice of service providers charging the insurance company directly for their portion -- meaning you only have to pay for the balance that is not covered in your plan.
If you are not sure if your health provider does direct billing, you should always check with them before you go into the appointment unless you are prepared to pay upfront.
When you do have to pay upfront, you should hold on to all of your receipts and forms, and submit a claim to Green Shield. You can do this online in your account or download paper forms and mail them.
Check Your Coverage Before you Commit!
Before you commit to a procedure or prescription, you can check your coverage to see if the drug or procedure is covered. You can do this by calling the GSC helpline at 1.888.711.1119, checking your online GSC account, or consulting the GSC App.
Do I need a claims card and how do I get one?
No. Many students use their plan fully without a paper card. However, if you want a paper card you can download a Green Shield Member ID card from www.greenshield.ca. A better way to access your card is using the Green Shield App.
Can I use an App for my health and dental plan?
Yes! This is perhaps the easiest way to access benefits. Once you register for an online account, you can download the GSC On the Go App for your phone and your member card will be in the App.
Claims ‘Black-out’ Period
Each year, while the Students’ Union processes the enrolment for that year, there is a blackout period. This period begins in September and runs through October and provides time to obtain the enrolment data from the university and provide it to the insurance company. During the ‘black-out’ period, your coverage is not accessible, meaning your claims cannot be processed until the period is over. This also means that dentists, pharmacists, and other health service providers should not attempt electronic claims until after the ‘black-out’ period. For returning students this can be an inconvenience, and the best way to avoid this is to schedule planned appointments in July and August, prior to the ‘black-out’ window.
Claims and Reimbursements
All students in the plan can inquire into the status of their claims or the extent of their coverage by contacting Green Shield directly at 1.888.711.1119.
Claims for expenses covered by your plan will be accepted by Green Shield up to one year from the date of purchase of the eligible health service or item. So be sure to keep all your receipts until you are sure you have been reimbursed for your coverage.
Helpful Tips
• Make sure that pharmacists include the ECS before your student number when entering your information.
• It is generally not required but if you are asked for the group number, the ECSU plan group number is 31092.
• Don’t leave medical appointments to the last minute. If you know your coverage is running out, be sure to make appointments in advance so you can ensure access to the services you need.
• If you are about to graduate and want your coverage to continue, contact the Students’ Union about plan continuation through individual coverage.