Member Support
Spring Birthday Part - 2020
One of the important functions of a Students’ Union is to ensure that all members receive fair and equitable treatment while they attend a post-secondary institution. A significant aspect of our work includes supporting members who feel that their rights may have been violated during the course of their studies or that they haven’t received fair treatment.
Since the University does not have staff solely dedicated to assisting with student appeals, disputes, complaints, as well as issues of rights and fairness, the Student’s Union provides advocacy support to it’s student members.
If at any point during your studies, you have questions, or need support, you should refer to the University information provided in: https://www.ecuad.ca/people. If you would like support from the ECSU in navigating through these policies, you can email info@ecsu.ca and one of two staff can assist you.
We Will
Listen to student concerns and provide an assessment of the situation presented;
Provide information on university policies and procedures, as well as related student rights and responsibilities;
Assist students in gathering information about their case;
Discuss possible courses of action;
Help students prepare for conversations with supervisors, instructors or administrators;
Participate in meetings between students and faculty or university administrators as a witness; and,
Refer students to service departments, or external agencies, for assistance and/or advice.
We Will Not
Offer legal advice or answer legal questions;
Offer counselling;
Represent students to the University;
Provide a testimonial at an academic hearing or other administrative tribunal convened by the University; and,
Offer advice on how to initiate legal action against the University, or participate in a legal proceeding against the University.
We commit to the following operating principles when providing support:
Confidential - Staff of the Students’ Union will maintain the confidentiality of information provided unless directed otherwise by the student providing the information. This confidentiality enables students to discuss matters and receive advice without taking action. Confidentiality will be deemed void if a student makes comments about doing harm to themselves or others, or if a student speaks about a criminal act. The staff of the ECSU are neither lawyers nor medical professionals, and there is no legal privilege in communication with them.
Impartial – The Students’ Union will not take sides in disputes, complaints or appeals but will work to ensure the rights of students are respected, and that both the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness are applied in dealing with student appeals, complaints and disputes.
Independent – The Students’ Union operates independently from Emily Carr University.
It is important for you to know what policies and procedures are in place at the University in case you have questions or face challenges. Here are some of the most pertinent policies for students. You can find these on www.ecuad.ca/about/leadership-and-governance/policies
3.6 Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Misconduct
4.6 Student Conduct
4.7 Student Complaints
8.2.1 Student Employment Procedures
8.6 Harassment, Bullying + Discrimination
8.12.1 Safe Disclosure Procedures