Get Involved
Are you interested in getting more involved in the Emily Carr community? Here are some currently open opportunities for students both internally in the ECSU and in the university more broadly. Click on each posting to learn more about it. If you have any questions about any posting or opportunity, please feel free to email us at info@ecsu.ca
We are always looking for help for our events and/activities. If you would like to be a volunteer please reach out to our Community Engagement Coordinator at usharma@ecuad.ca.
If you volunteer in 3+ events you will be invited to the end of semester volunteer lunch party.
Are you looking to help out in our school? Assist and make decisions that would benefit all students and faculty. Then joining a Senate Sub-Committee is one of the opportunities to get more involved in the governance of the University.
For more context:
This is an excellent opportunity to directly participate in the running of the University and connect to other students, faculty and administrators involved with University governance. Decisions that affect your education happen in these meetings, and we want to ensure that students are present, organized, and ready to advocate for themselves and their peers. We also see this role as a way to hold the university accountable and act as a witness while bringing any items back for discussion with other students.
The Emily Carr Students Union is the independent student organization that puts forward the nominations for the students on these sub-committees. We also convene all the student committee members to provide a space for peer support. Every student on a University committee will automatically be a member of the ECSU Student Caucus: a group of students who will meet twice per semester to talk about decision-making in the University and share the business of what's been happening across all committees. We provide a $100 honorarium per semester for your commitment to this volunteer role. You will have support from Emily Carr Students' Union resource staff and experienced student board members to provide background and inform you of the larger context.
These are the committees that have student positions available:
Curriculum Planning and Review Committee :
This committee looks at all things curriculum. You will be approving new classes, making changes to old ones, and influencing anything that relates to the curriculum content being taught at ECU. This committee meets monthly for one and a half hours.
We need:
2 Undergraduate students,
1 Graduate student
Academic Planning + Priorities Committee:
This committee oversees decisions that impact academic affairs beyond what is taught in class. This can be the academic calendar, schedule, examinations, academic standing, library, reading/study week, and more. This committee meets monthly for one and a half hours.
We need:
2 Undergraduate students,
1 Graduate student
Appeals Committee:
The appeals committee goes over appeals cases to the university. This can take a lot of different forms like grade appeals, disciplinary decisions, and go over policies relating to appeals. This committee meets on an as-needed basis.
We need:
1 Student from the Faculty of Arts
1 Student from the Faculty of Design and Dynamic Media
1 Student from the Faculty of Culture + Community
1 Student from the Faculty of Graduate studies
Financial Awards:
This committee deals with financial awards, scholarships, bursaries, and the policies around them. If you are currently applying for financial awards - you cannot sit on this committee. This committee meets once or twice a year.
We need:
2 Students from any year or faculty
International Development:
This committee looks at policy around the exchange, partnerships with other post-secondaries, and international engagement. This committee meets a couple of times a year
We need:
2 students from any year or faculty
If you are interested in any of the following Senate Sub-Committees, please fill out this form by June 10th, 2023.
If more students apply than available positions, the ECSU University Relations Coordinator will make the final selection on nominations.
We look forward to working with you.
If you have questions feel free to reach out to Yan Wei, University Relations Coordinator
We can provide letters of reference for students who are regular volunteers with the ECSU.
Like and Follow our Social Media pages to stay updated on events, campaigns, raffles and other cool things.
Attend and invite your friends to one of our events.
Join our volunteers email list to volunteer at our events on campus.
Attend a Student Feedback Forum in your area of study.
Meet with the ECSU board members in your faculty area to learn about how your ideas and input can help shape your program.
Stop by our office and chat with our staff: Lori, Iris, Alia and Ceci! We always enjoy meeting new members and can help brainstorm other areas where you may want to get more involved.
Email us at info@ecsu.ca or go to our contact page.