ECSU Annual General Meeting

art by @yi_1f

We invite you to join us for the Students’ Union Annual General Meeting on December 15th from 11:30-1:00 -- with informal discussion until 1:00 pm.

 Zoom Meeting :

Meeting ID: 674 4393 8948

Passcode: 133795

Our AGM is an opportunity for the elected board members to provide an update about the initiatives we have been working on for the past year. We also look forward to a conversation with you about what we’re working on for the year ahead.

We will have our external accountant join as a guest to present our audited financial statements and we will present our 2021-2022 budget. 

We will be providing $25 grocery gift cards throughout the meeting and other gifts too.


Call for Interest – Student Exhibitions Coordinator – Deadline Sept. 25


Extended Health and Dental Login/Registration